It’s becoming increasingly common for women to have children later in life. The median age of first-time mothers is now 28, up from 24.6 in the 1970s. Some opt to wait even longer, having their first child in their 30s or later. Birth rates for women in their 30s are at an all-time high.
When infertile couples look into their options for having children, they often ask about IVF in terms of age. Therefore, knowing how age affects IVF success is crucial.

Maternal Age Affects IVF Success
Everyone knows that a woman’s fertility peaks in her twenties. According to studies, women in their twenties and thirties have the best success rates with IVF and other reproductive technologies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report the following averages for the percentage of assisted reproductive technology (ART) cycles that result in live births:
31% in women under 35, 24% in 35–37-year-olds
16% of women 38–40
8% among women 41–44
3% of 43+ women
In vitro fertilization (IVF) and general fertility are impacted by a woman’s age. An aging woman produces fewer, less nutritious eggs. In addition, conditions that can affect fertility, such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis, are more common in women as they age.
Additionally, the chances for chromosomal problems like Down syndrome and miscarriage following a successful IVF surgery also rise with age.
Pregnancy and Infant Health May Be Affected by Father’s Age
As suggested by the best IVF doctor in Delhi, It needs to be clarified how much older fathers affect IVF success. Only a small number of studies have looked at the effects of male age on IVF success rates, and they imply a decline beyond age 51. Even though only a few studies have looked at how a man’s age affects IVF, research shows that it may affect the health of his pregnancy and newborn.
Due to random genetic changes in the sperm of older men compared to younger men, research shows that these things are more likely to happen:
Stillbirths and miscarriages (pregnancy losses before 20 weeks) are preventable.
Heart problems, neural tube anomalies, and abnormal cranial development are all examples of congenital disabilities.
Symptoms of Autism
Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Age-related IVF success rates
Age is one of the most significant factors affecting IVF success. Age has always mattered in women’s pregnancies, whether natural or artificial. It also affects IVF. However, lower-aged women had higher IVF success rates than older women. So we’ll investigate by age.
Under-35 IVF success rates
Since women are most fertile in their 20s, they have higher success rates. On the other hand, women without fertility concerns have a 20% success rate of getting pregnant. Still, suppose they have infertility issues such as a low egg count, hereditary disease, partner infertility, or a same-sex relationship. In that case, they will resort to IVF, which has a CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) success rate of below:
Women under 35 had higher IVF success rates than those over 35.
32% of under-35 women who have never conceived will conceive.
37 percent of IVF cycles under the age of 35 are for women with children.
34 percent of IVF cycles with two or more children work for 20-year-old women.
Despite the low number, data reveals that IVF success rates for 20-something women are high. Embryo transfer has a 40–43% success rate. To save money, patients expect IVF to work in one cycle. According to CDC data, under-35 women have a 52% chance of getting pregnant after one IVF session.
IVF success over 40%
According to the best IVF doctor in Delhi, Once a woman reached her forties, it was very hard, if not impossible, for her to have a child. However, thanks to advances in medicine and technology, such as assisted reproductive technology (ART), women of all ages, including those who are getting close to menopause, can now experience the joys of motherhood.
Studies done by the Centers for Disease Control and the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) show that IVF success rates over 40 are the following if we use fresh embryos:
Twenty percent of IVF cycles are successful for women over the age of 40, with a live birth rate of fourteen percent.
For women aged 41, the chances of a successful IVF cycle are 15%, and the live birth rate is 10%.
In case 42, the chances of a successful IVF cycle are 12%, and the chances of a live birth are 7%.
After 43 years, that percentage drops to 8%, and the odds of a healthy birth drop to 3%.
For women aged 44, the likelihood of pregnancy after IVF is 6%, with a 3% chance of a live birth.
For women aged 44, the likelihood of pregnancy after IVF is 6%, with a 3% chance of a live birth.
Finally, the chances of a live birth after an IVF procedure are only 1% for women aged 45 and older.
At age 40, your chances of conceiving naturally are barely 8 percent, dropping to 5 percent if you take just one IVF treatment.
Therefore, you should go for more than one round. Also, it’s important to note that you shouldn’t base your own hopes on these numbers. Each body is different, and many other factors play a big role in whether or not a treatment works.