Male Infertility Guide

Male infertility is a huge problem that affects millions of men and their partners. It is important to know the different types of male infertility, what causes it, and how to treat it. This page will explore all these..

What is Male Infertility?

Male infertility is a condition where the male partner does not produce enough sperm. The causes of male infertility are varied and can be attributed to any number of factors, including genetics, environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and hormone imbalances. It can also be caused by an infection in the reproductive system.

Male infertility can also be classified as either primary or secondary infertility. Primary infertility means that the man has never fathered a child before and secondary infertility means that the man has fathered at least one child but not in the last two years. The most common cause for male infertility is low sperm count or poor sperm quality.

There are many treatments for male infertility, including medications that treat hormonal imbalances or infections in the reproductive system. There are also surgical procedures that can help with male infertility by correcting structural problems with sperm production or removing blockages in the reproductive tract.

What are the usual causes of Male Infertility?

In order to assess the possible causes of male infertility, it is necessary to examine several aspects of the man’s reproductive system and his lifestyle. This includes assessment of testicular size, hormone levels in the blood, whether he has had any sexually transmitted infections or pelvic surgery and whether he has had any drug or alcohol abuse.

Some of the usual causes of male infertility are:

  1. Infections in the reproductive tract
  2. Varicoceles (enlarged veins)
  3. Hormonal problems
  4. Surgical removal of one or both testicles
  5. Spermatozoa count reduced (less than 15 million per milliliter).
  6. Sperm motility reduced (less than 50 percent of spermatozoa are mobile).
  7. Abnormal shape or size of the sperm cells.
  8. Abnormal amount of seminal fluid.
  9. Antisperm antibodies present in the semen or blood serum.
  10. Varicocele, a varicose vein that can cause obstruction and damage to testicles.
  11. Obesity, which can increase temperature in scrotum and affect sperm production 

How you can prevent Male Infertility?

It is crucial to find out the cause of infertility before making any decisions about fertility treatment. There are many treatments available to help with male infertility such as testosterone therapy, surgery and assisted reproductive technology.

The following steps can help prevent male infertility:

1) Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

2) Maintain a healthy weight and diet.

3) Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

4) Protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases by practicing safe sex.

Diagnosis of Male fertility at Risaa IVF 

The diagnosis of male fertility is a complicated process. It includes the clinical examination of males by a qualified physician, and may include tests such as semen analysis, sperm DNA fragmentation assay (SDFA), or blood hormone levels.

The assessment of male infertility is based on the results of medical history and physical examination, laboratory tests for testosterone, thyroid function, and semen analysis. In some cases, genetic testing may be done to rule out possible causes. The main aim of the test is to determine if there is any blockage or abnormality in the sperm and to find out if the problem can be treated or not.

There are different types of tests that doctors can conduct to diagnose male infertility. Some of them are:

  1. Semen analysis: This test is conducted to find out if there is any abnormality in the semen, sperm count, and motility.
  2. Hormone assessment: Doctors measure hormone levels in order to see how they affect sperm production and quality.
  3. Examination of prostate gland: Doctors check if there’s a blockage or tumor present which may cause infertility problems.
  4. Genetic testing: It helps detect genetic and other abnormalities in a person’s genome, such as mutations in genes.

Treatment Pathways for Male Fertility

The treatment pathways for male fertility are pretty straightforward. Men can get treated for their infertility through surgical procedures, medication, and non-medical treatments.

Surgical Procedures:

There are two types of surgical procedures that can be done to treat the condition. These include surgery on the testicles and vasectomy. 

  • Surgery on the testicles is done in cases where there is a blockage present in the tubes that carry sperm from the testes to the penis. This surgery is also used in cases where there has been a complete obstruction of one or both of these tubes which prevents any sperm from reaching the penis. 
  • Vasectomy is another type of surgery which involves cutting or sealing off both the vas deferens so that no sperm can be released into ejaculate during ejaculation.


In the past, it was often believed that men only had to provide sperm in order to be considered fertile. However, with advancements in medical science, we now know that male fertility is not just about sperm. It is also about the quality of the sperm and how well it can fertilize an egg. This means that if a man has low-quality or no sperm at all, he may still be able to father a child by using certain medical treatments.

Medical treatments include fertility drugs, which stimulate the production of sperm, and in vitro fertilization (IVF), which involves fertilizing an egg with sperm outside the body. 

The type of treatment that is recommended will depend on the cause of infertility as well as other factors such as age, lifestyle and family history.

Non-medical treatments:

There are two major ways for a man to improve his fertility: by improving the quality of his sperm or by bypassing it entirely. For example, if a man does not have any sperm due to vasectomy or other issues with his reproductive system, then he may be able to use ICSI. 

Some of the most popular non-medical treatments for male fertility include:

  1. Intrauterine insemination: The man’s sperm is collected and placed in a woman’s uterus by a medical professional.
  2. In vitro fertilization: Eggs are removed from the woman, mixed with sperm and then implanted back into the uterus.
  3. Sperm washing: The man’s semen is processed by removing any substances that may affect fertility, such as bacteria and other cells.

Risa IVF is one of the best fertility centers in India and has helped many couples achieve their dream of having a baby. They have an excellent team of doctors who provide quality care to all their patients.

It is important to consult our fertility specialists before taking any decision. It is because they can help you in getting the best treatment and advice. They are experts in this field, so they can provide you with the right information about fertility and IVF.

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