Vaginal Health: Tips for Maintaining pH Balance and Preventing Infections
Vaginal Health: Tips for Maintaining pH Balance and Preventing Infections

Variations in the pH of the vagina can cause an excess of bacteria, which can cause several painful symptoms. You may naturally maintain the pH balance of your vagina by implementing specific lifestyle changes and supplementation. Your vagina’s pH level is very important to its health.

However, this equilibrium can be upset by several environmental and natural causes, leading to symptoms like burning, itching, and discharge abnormalities. Through comprehension of the pH scale and its effects on your body, you can take action to keep your vaginal pH in a healthy range.

Vagina vs. Vulva

It’s surprising how frequently women mix up the phrases vulva and vagina. Let me explain that there are two separate sections of the female genitalia. 

What is meant by the Vulva?

The pubic mound, clitoris, labia, vaginal opening, and urethra—the urine entrance—are all included in the vulva and are covered by it. 

What is Vagina?

The channel that joins the vulva to the cervix and, eventually, the uterus is called the vagina. It makes monthly delivery and menstruation easier. 

Let’s look at how you can keep these locations’ pH levels in check.

What’s a normal vaginal pH?

The pH ranges from 14 to 0. A pH of less than 7 denotes acidity, and a pH of more than 7 denotes alkalinity (basic). The average range of a “normal” vaginal pH is 3.8 to 4.5, indicating a moderate level of acidity. 

The inherent acidity of the vagina serves as a barrier to prevent the growth of bacteria. The danger of bacterial overgrowth increases when the pH of the vagina becomes excessively alkaline.

How can you recognize if your vaginal pH is too alkaline? 

These are a few signs: 

A yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis (BV) may be the cause of symptoms related to a raised vaginal pH. After defining the relevant terms, let’s discuss some advice for preserving the best possible vulva and Vaginal Health.

What factors can lead to a pH imbalance in your vagina?

pH levels can change under certain conditions. Menstrual blood, for example, is slightly alkaline and elevates the pH when it flows through the vaginal canal. Antibiotic use can upset your body’s bacterial equilibrium, getting rid of both dangerous and necessary bacteria to keep your vaginal pH at a healthy, slightly acidic level. 

There are other less expected disturbances. Regardless of penetration or the use of a barrier technique, sexual activity—whether done alone or with a partner—can affect the pH of the vagina. Specific germs may proliferate when bodily fluids are exchanged during genital-to-genital or oral-genital contact. 

Furthermore, sharing or inadequately cleaned sex devices or engaging in fingering practices can introduce bacteria.

The natural microbiome of the vagina can also be disturbed by “feminine” hygiene products and methods like douching and steaming. Examples of these products include scented sprays and suppositories.

How to restore your vaginal pH naturally?

There are steps you may take to naturally bring your vaginal pH back into balance if you suspect an imbalance or see minor symptoms. It’s imperative to get medical help if your symptoms are more severe or if natural therapies don’t work to improve your situation. 

Examine the usage of suppositories containing boric acid. Boric acid is easily accessible, reasonably priced, and has been used to treat BV for more than a century. However, more clinical studies are required to confirm its effectiveness in treating BV. 

  1. Boric acid suppositories:

 These are an option to consider if your symptoms are not too severe before using antibiotics. You can buy these suppositories online or at your neighborhood pharmacy.

A healthy vagina is full of lactobacilli, or “good” bacteria, which help to maintain pH balance and prevent infections. Lactobacilli can be found naturally in fermented foods like yoghurt, kefir, kimchi, or sauerkraut, as well as in probiotic supplements. 

Increasing probiotic use may raise the amount of lactobacilli in the vaginal microbiome, but it might not completely stop the growth of dangerous bacteria. Probiotic supplements specifically designed for vaginal health can be purchased online or at pharmacies.

Garlic is rich in allicin, a substance known for its antibacterial qualities, and antioxidants.

Stress can affect vaginal health among other elements of body health. While stress is unavoidable, you can avoid the negative effects of stress hormones on your health, including the pH of your vagina, by developing appropriate coping mechanisms. To effectively manage stress, partake in activities such as exercise, deep breathing exercises, hobbies, or music listening.

Studies point to a possible connection between smoking and the emergence of BV. It is advisable to seek assistance in reducing or quitting smoking through medicine or alternative methods. To create a cessation plan that works for you, speak with your doctor. 

Steer clear of perfumed hygiene products since they may upset the pH balance in the vagina. Rather, use warm water to gently clean the vulva and vagina. If you must choose soap, look for products without fragrances. 

Choose underwear made of organic, breathable materials, such as cotton. To avoid moisture buildup at night, wash your underwear in hypoallergenic detergents and think about not wearing underwear at all. If you are irritated or feeling an excessive buildup of moisture during the day, change your underwear.

  1. When engaging in sexual activity, use barrier techniques:

 By lessening the alkalizing effect of semen on the vagina, using condoms during intercourse may lower the risk of bacterial vaginal infection. 

When you need medical help If symptoms intensify, continue, or involve burning, stinging, foul-smelling discharge, or unusual itching, call your doctor right away. Antibiotics may be prescribed by your doctor to treat your symptoms. 

Furthermore, take into account the potential that your symptoms could be caused by other medical issues, such as STIs or other sexually transmitted infections.

How can you monitor your vaginal pH level?

Although Vaginal pH can be measured with over-the-counter test kits, these are typically not necessary for identifying BV or yeast infections. Remember that there are a variety of causes for variations in vaginal pH, so it’s important to remember that they don’t always point to an infection or other serious problem. 

Is it possible to restore the pH balance of the vagina naturally?

Adding fermented foods high in probiotics to your diet helps increase your body’s natural balance of beneficial microorganisms. Lactobacilli-containing probiotic supplements may provide further advantages. 

Vaginal pH is affected by several variables, including age, general health, and recent activity. Showering or bathing could alleviate the problem of changing into fresh underwear if you’re worried about variations in vaginal odour.