Yoga has several positive effects on both the physical and mental levels. Flexibility and strength can be increased, as well as awareness and stress release.
Men’s and women’s bodies, emotions, and relationships suffer significantly due to infertility.
Women, men, and couples can benefit from yoga’s sound effects in managing life’s ups and downs.
Benefits of Yoga
- Increases adaptability
- Improves your posture,
- Increases your strength and blood flow,
- Calms your nerves.
- Contributes to your happiness
- Helps Maintain Stability
- Eliminates Stress and Increases Concentration
- Improves Blood Flow
The Role of Yoga in Increasing Fertility
- Reduces stress and anxiety while also promoting healthy ovarian and uterine function
- Maintains a Healthy Hormone Level While Also Promoting Increased Blood Flow and Circulation
- Strengthen Muscles
- Encourages the production of hormones via the endocrine system. Helps keep your immune system in good shape
The Most Effective Yoga Poses for Increasing Fertility
➤ This is a well-known medicine for managing menstrual cramps and is also effective in managing the menopausal stage. The uplifting effects that Surya Namaskar Yoga has on a woman’s uterus contribute to the fact that it also assists in making child delivery relatively more superficial.
➤ Enhances the body’s natural sexual capabilities. Cleanses the body of any underlying issues resulting in dysfunctional genitourinary systems. Also, it helps people maintain a normal sexual appetite
➤ Practicing this yoga style can help alleviate stress and nervousness. Since stress is one of the leading causes of infertility.
➤ This asana is excellent for lengthening your hips, hamstrings, and lower back muscles.
➤Reducing emotional and mental strain helps women become more fertile, and stimulating vital reproductive organs like the ovaries and stomach is a big part of how it does so.
➤ This yoga pose is essential for conception and can even help you while pregnant.
➤It’s great for stretching your hamstrings and calves and relieving tension in your abdominals.
➤ Infertility is often associated with stress and worry, which can be alleviated with these routines. When under pressure, your body creates more of the hormone cortisol, which has been linked to fertility issues in the past. Reducing cortisol and restoring a healthy energy balance in the body can be accomplished via the practice of low-impact yoga postures that emphasize breathing and relaxation. You should perform these exercises once or twice a day or whenever you feel nervous or agitated.
Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall)
➤When you’re ready to sit up, lie down on your back and breath for a moment. Bring your upper body down to the mat as you rise and straighten your legs against the wall, creating as close to a 90-degree angle as possible. Put your palms up and relax your arms at your sides. Relax your pelvic floor muscles by melting your torso to the floor while taking a few deep breaths. Relax your eyes and maintain this position for at least 10 minutes.
“Supta Baddha Konasana” (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)
➤ Place your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. As you let your legs to open and dangle to the side, bring the soles of your feet together. Put your thumbs together, and your index fingers on your lower abdomen while you relax your shoulders. Keep your attention and energy focused there for at least three minutes.
➤ These moves will massage your reproductive organs and boost your circulation. Focusing this vitality on the reproductive organs might help the body prepare for pregnancy. To maintain a healthy reproductive system, you should perform each activity once daily.
Back Rolls
➤ Put your lower body flat on the floor and your upper body off to the side. Tuck your shins in and hug them to your chest. Massage your lower back by circling your knees to the left and right of your body. Breathe in and out at random intervals while spinning; do this 10–15 times.
Padahastasana (Hand under foot)
➤ Keep your feet hip-width apart, and your knees slightly bent as you stand up. Gently fold forward from the hips, bringing the palms or fingertips of both hands to the floor. Raise your toes off the floor and tuck your hands (palms up) in between your feet. Bring your forehead down toward your knees, straighten your legs, and extend your elbows out to the sides to increase the intensity of the stretch. Maintain for a minute or more on slow, even breaths. Take a deep breath in, and gently stand up straight again. It is recommended to perform this action three to five times.
Bhujangasana (Cobra)
➤ Lie on your stomach with your legs stretched out in front of you and your ankles squeezed together. Press your hips, legs, and the tops of your feet firmly into the ground. Put your hands on the ground just behind your shoulders, and then bring your elbows in close to your body so that they are pressing on your sides as you do so. Take a deep breath in and press firmly through both hands while drawing your shoulder blades back and down your back. Lift your chest while simultaneously pressing your tailbone down toward the floor and drawing your abdominal muscles closer to your spine. Maintain a steady breathing pattern as you hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Exhale, then slowly lower your head to the ground while bringing the rest of your body down with your arms. This will allow you to release. Three to five times is the recommended amount.
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge)
➤ You should start by lying on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor (hip-distance apart), and your heels near to your seat. Extend your arms out to the sides of your heels and press your hands firmly into the ground. Maintain a consistent weight distribution over both feet as you elevate your pelvis toward the ceiling, rolling your shoulders back and tucking them underneath your body in the process. Hold this position with your hands clasped beneath your pelvis for up to one full minute. Aim to have your thighs perpendicular to the ground and your knees squarely over your ankles while you are in this position. To let go, separate your hands and position them palms down close to your body. This will allow you to release. You should exhale slowly as you slide your spine back onto the floor, vertebrae by vertebrae, while simultaneously letting your knees move closer together. Release anywhere between three and five times.
Marjaryasana/Bitilasana (Cat/Cow)
➤ To begin, get into a tabletop posture with your knees squarely below your hips and your wrists, elbows, and shoulders in line with your head. This is the starting position for the tabletop plank. First, ensure that your back is completely flat and your abdominal muscles are engaged. Your spine should be in a neutral posture. Take a deep inhalation. Spread your fingers, place your hands firmly on the ground, and exhale as you curve your back toward the sky in a ‘cat’ posture. Be sure to retain your shoulders and knees in their original positions. Imagine that you are drawing your belly button up towards your spine in order to fully engage your abdominal muscles. You should tuck your chin into your chest and then relax the muscles in your neck.
To begin cow posture, take a deep breath and return to a tabletop position with your hands. Your back should be arched, and you should elevate your seat and chest toward the ceiling. At the same time, your belly should drop toward the floor. Raise your chin and look in the direction of your feet. Release your breath, and come back to the tabletop. Maintain a fluid transition from cat posture to cow stance, linking your breath to each movement. In cow pose, inhale deeply, and exhale fully as you go into cat pose. Perform this step 10–15 times.
Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle)
➤ You should start by standing with your feet together and then take a giant stride backward with your left foot (approximately three to four feet). Maintain your forward momentum while making a 45-degree turn with your rear foot. Extend your arms out to the sides, keeping them at a right angle to the ground. As you exhale, rotate your pelvis and tailbone toward the direction of your left foot by moving your left hip backward. Extend the front of your body over your right hip so it is directly over your right leg. Put your right hand on your right shin (or on the ground just outside your right shin), and then reach your left arm up toward the ceiling with your palm facing front. Maintain this position for up to one minute. To release, take a deep breath and press firmly with your left heel while lifting your chest and lowering your arms. You should now turn to the left and switch the positions of your feet before performing the exercise for the same amount of time on the other side. Perform between one and two repetitions on each side.
Mandukasana (Frog)
➤ Begin by getting down on all fours in a tabletop posture, with your knees below your hips and your wrists underneath your shoulders. Hold this position for a few seconds. You should walk your knees out to the side as far as they can go and then bend your feet such that the inside edges of your feet are resting against the mat. As you lower yourself down onto your forearms, bring your shoulder blades closer together so that they are touching. Exhale, then press your hips back and down while you perform the exercise. Hold your breath for three to six breaths or for up to three minutes, whichever comes first.