Success Stories of Couples Who Chose IVF, Today’s topic isn’t infertility. Instead, let’s look at some inspiring IVF treatment success stories. Low ovarian reserve, polycystic ovarian syndrome, age 40+, and infertility will be featured. They chose the difficult but lucrative path.

To keep things from getting too wordy, here are some of the most heartfelt accounts ever shared by a wide range of people. All they have in common is an intense desire to start a family and a willingness to do whatever it takes to make that happen. So, let’s get started with our first visitor!

Success Stories of Couples Who Chose In Vitro Fertilization
Success Stories of Couples Who Chose In Vitro Fertilization

From Infertility Caused by PCOS to a Healthy Baby Girl: The Story of Rahisha Khan

Since Rahisha’s periods were erratic, she knew it would be difficult for her to conceive. So, she looked for other ladies with PCOS infertility and found their tales on YouTube. Therefore, the experiences of others aided and inspired her to get going on her path toward a dream baby. Rahisha vows that she will do it again if they decide they want another child.

In 2018, after a year of marriage, they tried to have a child. Rahisha ceased contraception and constantly tested negative for pregnancy. Finally, an ultrasound revealed polycystic ovary syndrome. After getting the news, she sobbed daily and grew more determined to have children. That was hard. Hormonal infertility treatment failed her numerous times. Only a fertility doctor appointment was left.

After genetic testing, Rahisha started hormone therapy and monitoring. To improve success rates, two IUI methods have been used. Despite the smooth operation, no issues have developed. The fertility doctor recommended three to four months.

Things went wrong in the third cycle when she was near despair and had accepted the position. Finally, she got pregnant. IUI and hormone therapy help her conceive Rida on her third try. Pregnancy and happiness took a year.

Shilpee Sahu: A First-Attempt IVF Treatment Success Story

A negative pregnancy test was obtained after the initial IVF Treatment transfer in March 2019. So it was time for the next one, and they were prepared. They picked one of the two embryos and did the transfer. The second transfer in September 2019 was also successful. The baby is a boy!

Together, they took the unconventional route from infertility to parenthood via IVF. Baby Hridhansh, born to Shilpee on June 8, 2020, was 8 pounds, 11 ounces, and 20 inches of pure love and joy.

Preeta Khanna: Unexplained Infertility to Twin Pregnancy

Preeta and her husband have tried three rounds of in vitro fertilization, but thus far, nothing has worked. However, she has never had a miscarriage, and the family has gone through a lot of stress and pain trying to get her pregnant in the past.

Since their infertility was unexplained, their fertility doctor recommended IVF treatment. Preeta gave her injections and oral medications to create more follicles. On egg retrieval day, she had 10–12 more follicles than expected. Nine eggs matured. On the same day, sperm was collected, washed, and mixed with eggs. Three or four eggs developed on day 3. Most embryos were abnormal. Two were transferable.

Preeta planned a month between egg cultivation and transfer. However, those two embryos had to be implanted immediately. Preeta cried throughout the transfer and recovery because she knew it wouldn’t work. She prayed they would continue daily pregnancy tests. This failed.

Preeta then researched donor eggs and embryo adoption. Her estrogen cycle was maintained. She started progesterone 5-6 days before the transfer. She was less anxious this time. They transferred twin embryos this time. Two healthy 5-day blasts were inserted. After the transfer, Preeta lay for 15 minutes and resumed her regular activity.

Four days post-transfer, Preeta took three pregnancy tests, and one revealed a faint second line. Sigh. She discovered her twin pregnancy in a Starbucks toilet. One day after the digital test read “Pregnant.”

Diminished Ovarian Reserve IVF Treatment Success Stories: Anjali Singh

Anjali begins with yearly IVF preparation. The low ovarian reserve was their primary challenge. She chose IVF with eight follicles. She took every supplement for a year to improve egg quality and fertility. During the IVF cycle, she took Ubiquinol, vitamin D, quit drinking coffee and wine, and maintained her diet.

The game began when she had to regulate her cycle and wait for her period before the clinic operation. Then, before retrieval, she had to hyper ovulate her eggs. Anjali says ovarian stimulation was complex but painless. Thus, the shot was the easiest part.

She retrieved November 29. Anjali was worried about the intensive operation. However, with a local anesthetic, it was painless. She rested in the recovery room after the 45-minute extraction. She had six eggs from 8 follicles.

Her husband gave her sperm the same day. A unique machine cleaned the sperm to choose the best spermatozoa. After that, ICSI was performed to introduce one sperm to one egg with a tiny needle. Five days followed. Four eggs fertilized. That’s big. The 5-Day transfer was optimal since fertility doctors could monitor their progress and choose the best.

The transfer was on December 4. 15 minutes before the transfer, the doctor announced that one embryo had perished, two were unsuitable, and one was perfect. Fertility doctors, embryologists, and nurses saw the emotional transfer. Special tubes held the embryo. No harm. Anjali left the recovery room and realized it was over. Home, they waited two weeks. She observed a small second line on a pregnancy test afterward. Anjali’s difficult IVF Treatment journey led to the birth of her gorgeous daughter, Pari.