Miscarriages During IVF
Miscarriages During IVF

What is Miscarriage?

It is a term used medically to describe the death and ejection of an embryo or fetus before it can survive on its own, also called a spontaneous abortion. 

Clinical miscarriage is the term used when ultrasound or histology evidence indicates the presence of a pregnancy; it can be “early” before 12 weeks or “late” between 12 and 21 weeks. A stillbirth is another name for fetal mortality that occurs beyond 20 weeks of gestation.

Recurrent miscarriages, medically known as Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions, or RSAs, can also be categorized as an infertile state. Although most miscarriages happen in the first trimester (the first 12 weeks of pregnancy), miscarriages happen when a pregnancy ends spontaneously and unexpectedly before 20 weeks of gestation. 

It may also be referred to as “spontaneous abortion,” “chemical pregnancy,” or “early pregnancy loss.”

Signs and symptoms:

Spotting, vaginal bleeding, cramps that resemble menstrual cramps, lower back pain, pelvic pain, passing tissue, pink or white vaginal mucus, and/or a reduction in symptoms you had during pregnancy, like nausea or breast tenderness, are typical signs of miscarriage.

The reason behind your miscarriage may also be known to your clinician, which may assist you make decisions about the next steps in your fertility process. 

What is In vitro fertilization (IVF)

It is a method of fertilization that involves combining sperm and egg “in vitro” (or “in glass”). Observing and promoting a woman’s ovulatory cycle, extracting an ovum or ova (egg or eggs) from her ovaries, and allowing a man’s sperm to fertilize them in a culture medium in a lab are the steps involved in the process. 

To successfully develop a pregnancy, the fertilized egg (zygote) is put into the uterus via a catheter after undergoing embryo culture for two to six days. The most frequent consequence of an early pregnancy is miscarriage. 

The miscarriage rate among women who are aware of their pregnancy is approximately 10% to 20%, whereas the rate among all fertilization is between 30% to 50%.In individuals under 35, the risk is approximately 10%.

Risk starts to rise around the age of thirty. Two consecutive miscarriages occur in about 5% of women. Some advise against calling someone who is having a miscarriage an “abortion” to lessen their grief. 

The term “spontaneous abortion” has been substituted with “miscarriage” in Britain due to accusations of insensitivity towards women who have experienced pregnancy loss. 

IVF is a kind of assisted reproduction that is used to cure infertility, treat gestational surrogacy, and prevent genetic disease transmission when combined with pre-implantation genetic testing. When a donor egg is fertilized and implanted into a surrogate’s uterus, the offspring has no genetic connection to the surrogate. 

Miscarriages during IVF

Is there a higher chance of miscarriage when doing IVF? 

Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) is a serious health issue that is characterized by two or more losses, which do not have to occur in succession. RPL is present in about 5% of people.

Parental carriers of structural chromosomal rearrangement, uterine malformations, endocrine disruptions, and antiphospholipid antibodies are possible causes of recessive progressive ligament opathy (RPL). 

However, less than 50% of couples still have an unidentified explanation for RPL after a thorough assessment. When an underlying cause for RPL cannot be found, empirical treatments, such as assisted reproductive technology (ART), are frequently recommended. 

The two most frequent reasons for early pregnancy loss are genetic abnormalities of the uterus (implantation dysfunction), which occurs when the uterus is not responsive to the embryo, and

The majority of these chromosomal anomalies start in the egg rather than the sperm, and as a woman’s eggs ripen, they become more prevalent. This probably plays a part in why women over 40 experience increased rates of pregnancy loss.

What causes miscarriage, particularly when IVF is used

Unaided or IVF conception, the most common cause of miscarriages during IVF is a genetic defect in the developing fetus. Performing preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) on your embryos before embryo transfer is one method to lower your risk of miscarriage. 

PGT can assist increase initial embryo transfer success rates, thus this is especially helpful if you or your spouse are older mothers. 

PGT may not be suitable for all individuals, including poor ovarian responders, so it’s crucial to discuss with your clinician if it’s the best option for you.

What are the risk factors that could raise your likelihood of miscarriage:

Endometritis: This infection inflames the lining of your uterus and can lead to implantation failure and miscarriage. It should not be confused with endometriosis, which is characterized by the migration of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus. 

Uterine Factor: Problems with the uterus, such as an atypically shaped uterus, fibroids and/or polyps, or an excessively thin lining, can lead to miscarriage.

Cervical Factor: A cervix that weakens, dilates, or shortens before the pregnancy reaches term might result in a miscarriage. This condition is also known as “incompetent cervix” or “cervical insufficiency.” 

Autoimmune System Disorder:

When the immune system mistakes the fetus for a foreign item, patients with autoimmune diseases, including lupus, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), rheumatoid arthritis, and others, may miscarry. 

Genetic Cause: You or your spouse are more likely to miscarry if you or they have a disorder called balanced translocation, which is the result of two chromosomes switching positions.

Hormonal Problem: Low progesterone levels, or luteal phase malfunction, are among the conditions that might cause miscarriage. If you have had three or more miscarriages, you are diagnosed with recurrent miscarriage. 

Chromosome abnormalities: In a growing embryo, chromosomal abnormalities are one of the most frequent causes of miscarriage. This may occur early in the process of cell division or during fertilization. An elevated risk of chromosomal abnormalities is frequently linked to advanced maternal age.

Embryo Quality: An important factor in IVF Treatment is the quality of the embryos used. A miscarriage may result from embryos of subpar quality failing to implant or mature correctly. 

Uterine Abnormalities: Fibroids and septum, two structural anomalies of the uterus, can obstruct implantation and raise the chance of miscarriage.

Hormonal Imbalances:

Poor thyroid, progesterone, or estrogen levels can all hurt a woman’s ability to successfully implant and sustain a pregnancy. 

The majority of the above-mentioned criteria are typical for both miscarriages during IVF and naturally occurring miscarriages. Before beginning IVF, many of these conditions can be managed or addressed, which can lower your chance of miscarriages during IVF

 Symptoms Miscarriages During IVF:

Vaginal Bleeding: Vaginal bleeding is a typical indicator of miscarriage. While some spotting could be expected, severe or continuous bleeding has to be treated right away. 

Abdominal discomfort: A possible miscarriage may also be indicated by cramping and abdominal discomfort. It is imperative to seek medical assistance if the discomfort is severe or chronic. 

Diminished Pregnancy Symptoms: A miscarriage may be indicated if there is an abrupt decrease in pregnancy symptoms such as breast tenderness or nausea. It is noteworthy that symptoms may differ amongst individuals.

Preventive measures to take to avoid miscarriages during IVF

Reducing the risk of miscarriages during in vitro fertilization (IVF) requires addressing several potential risk factors. The following general preventive actions could be discussed:

Comprehensive Screening: Both couples should have a thorough screening for any underlying medical illnesses, infections, or genetic disorders that may impact pregnancy before having in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Resolving Hormonal Imbalances: Consult your physician about any hormonal imbalances that might be causing problems with conception.

Managing Chronic Concerns: Make sure your long-term medical concerns, such as diabetes or thyroid issues, are properly maintained and under control. 

Stress management: Since excessive levels of stress can affect fertility, partake in stress-relieving activities like yoga, meditation, or counselling. 

Supportive Medications: To help with the early stages of pregnancy, your doctor may recommend drugs like progesterone supplements.

Frequent Check-ups and Monitoring: Arrange for routine check-ups and ultrasounds to closely track the pregnancy’s development and quickly address any issues. 

Pay attention to your well-being

It’s crucial to look after yourself throughout this stage of pregnancy, even if no decision you make in the early going will determine whether or not you end up pregnant. 

 An excellent diet, lots of sleep, and mild, stress-relieving activities like leisurely walks will all help ensure a healthy pregnancy. Regardless of how you became pregnant, the first few weeks of pregnancy are hard, and fatigue is a frequent emotion. 

Even though it is physically and emotionally taxing, an IVF miscarriage highlights the difficulties associated with assisted reproductive technology. It emphasizes how crucial it is for patients having these operations to receive individualized care and continuing assistance. 

Risa IVF is renowned for its cutting-edge fertility procedures and individualized care. In order to successfully advertise Risa IVF, the following tactics can be used: 

Emphasize Team Expertise and Success Rates: Highlight the clinic’s team expertise and strong success rates. To establish credibility and highlight the clinic’s capacity to assist patients in realizing their aspirations of becoming parents, present data and client endorsements. 

Testimonials from Patients and Success Stories: Tell the tales of patients who used Risa IVF and had good results. Potential patients may be comforted by this personal touch and feel more confident about the caliber of treatment being given. 

Educational Content: Write and provide information to prospective patients regarding the advantages, dangers, and expectations of the IVF procedure.