Patients’ reproductive treatment experiences have varied depending on the clinic and physician. Before you start an IVF cycle, you should talk to your IVF specialist and ask about any possible problems during IVF treatment. This way, you can learn about the many options and choose the one that suits you best.

But what should I ask? Insight into those concerns is provided in this article.

Questions You Should Ask About IVF Before Starting the IVF Treatment
Questions You Should Ask About IVF Before Starting the IVF Treatment Questions You Should Ask About IVF Before Starting the IVF Treatment

If I have unexplained infertility, should I try IVF or IUI?

Multiple factors can contribute to infertility, such as:

  • Infertility Caused by Problems with Ovulation
  • Having polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Primary ovarian failure (POI)
  • Thyroid disorder
  • Egg quantity and quality
  • Concerns Related to Old Age and Tubal Problems

If you want to know which approach or procedure will yield the best results, you need to start by familiarizing yourself with the distinctions between them.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a process that puts healthy sperm inside the uterus to increase the chances of fertilization. Both healthy sperm and healthy fallopian tubes are prerequisites for IUI.

If several IUI attempts have failed, your IVF specialist may suggest IVF. This is usually after three to five failed IUI attempts, but it depends on the fertility doctor and the situation (IVF).

Choose between IUI and IVF with the help of your fertility doctor.

Is IVF treatment age-restricted?

Various clinics may have different patient minimum ages and eligibility criteria. Before you choose RISAA IVF, talk to Dr. Rita Bakshi, our IVF specialist, about your case and treatment options.

Due to pregnancy complications, older mothers have lower IVF success rates. To determine a prognosis, each patient is assessed individually. Our fertility experts and the team will help you succeed.

What diagnostics are required before initiating IVF treatment?

During this time, your IVF specialist will likely conduct a battery of tests and prescribe a number of drugs. At RISAA IVF, our fertility doctors often use blood tests to figure out how much ovarian tissue a woman has. Before beginning IVF treatment, males undergo blood testing and a semen examination.

How long does it typically take to complete the IVF treatment process?

Egg retrieval stimulation lasts 10–14 days. This range can vary depending on the patient’s physiological response to the medications. This timeframe includes ovarian stimulation for egg retrieval.

After two weeks, you can arrange an embryo transfer cycle. Variables make every FET cycle unique. Embryo transfer occurs throughout a woman’s 19–21-day menstrual cycle. Blood tests confirm pregnancy 10 days after conception. We’ll monitor until week 10’s OB ultrasound. After a 10-week ultrasound, she’ll take over.

What kind of embryo transfers does your facility offer, fresh or frozen?

The success rate of embryo transfers from frozen stocks is higher than that of fresh supplies.

Frozen embryo transfer is often advised. Frozen embryos are ready for transfer. You won’t have to repeat the egg retrieval if it fails. Knowing which embryos have normal chromosomes eliminates diseases caused by chromosomes and makes it more likely that a healthy baby will be born. Freezing embryos allows PGT (pre-implantation genetic testing). PGT-A testing allows gender selection.

What’s your take on several embryo transfers vs. a single embryo transfer?

The “multiple embryo transfer” method is often used by traditional IVF clinics to improve their success rates. It was thought that if more than one embryo were implanted, the strongest one would have the best chance of living.

However, today we take a very different tack. Our fertility doctor strongly recommends transferring only one embryo to reduce the chance of having multiples, high-risk pregnancies, or miscarriages, especially when using modern technology and pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT-A).

Our IVF specialist only transfers the best embryos so that the chances of having a healthy baby are higher.

Which of PGD and PGS is better for me?

These days, it’s common to hear PGD testing referred to as PGT-M testing and PGS testing as PGT-A testing. PGT-A checks each of the 23 sets of chromosomes for any changes in structure or number that can be measured.

Only a single mutation or urgent need requires PGT-M. When a rare disease is suspected, PGT-M tests use a probe or specialized panel to analyze the sperm or egg source and embryo. Additional relatives may be needed.

Both tests occur before an embryo is implanted. Also, pre-cycle lab work usually includes a genetic carrier screening to see if a couple needs PGD (PGT-M testing) and PGT-A testing.

How much does the IVF treatment cost?

The cost of addressing infertility can add up quickly. But you can be sure that RISAA IVF will always give you the best service and keep you fully informed about how much IVF treatment cost.

If an embryo is not implanted, what are the next steps?

You can be sure that any embryos that aren’t used will not be thrown away without your permission. They can be frozen and used later, donated to needy people, or used in scientific research. We will send you a disposition of embryo consent that lays out your options before you begin treatment, and you may make the call that is best for you.

Is there a risk of harm from medications?

IVF treatment requires many medications and procedures, which can cause negative effects. Fertility medications and injections might induce mood swings, stomach pain, and moderate bloating. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) can occur in a tiny percentage of cases. Symptoms usually go away in 5–10 days, but surgery may be needed to get rid of them in extreme cases. Our medical staff is always accessible to help with symptoms.