PRP Therapy for Rejuvenation of the Ovary

PRP therapy for ovarian rejuvenation is an up-and-coming research area. Several women with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) and diminished ovarian reserve have gotten positive results with PRP therapy. Many studies back up this treatment for clinical practices. 

What is PRP therapy?

Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy is a medical procedure that uses stem cell and PRP technology to heal and regenerate or reproduce cells and tissues of the body. Simply put, this treatment can supposedly revive cells and tissues of the body that are dormant. 

So, What exactly is PRP? 

PRP is high platelets concentrated plasma (or blood) – containing growth factors or cytokines (bio proteins and hormones which promote healing). 

PRP is prepared from the patient’s own blood who is undergoing treatment; hence it is autologous. The blood is collected from the patient and delivered to the laboratory for centrifugation. Centrifugation is a process where the blood particles are separated from one another for various purposes. Here, we aim to get a plasma solution (liquid portion of the blood) rich in Platelets, WBCs, and other growth factors. 

Because PRP is highly concentrated with platelets (bio proteins or hormones) and WBCs compared to normal blood, it is known for its wound healing capabilities. Platelets release growth factors that are responsible for the growth of cells and tissues like muscles, bone, organs, and healing. For this reason, PRP has been widely famous for different treatments, from musculoskeletal injuries to dermatological procedures, and now for OVARIAN REJUVENATION. 

How PRP is prepared 

PRP is prepared with a double centrifugation technique in a swing-out centrifuge. The blood sample is put into a test tube inside a centrifuge. 

  • The first round of centrifuge is for about 10 min with 1200 rpm (rotation per minute). After that, the lower level of the test tube will contain RBCs, and the upper layer will contain a high concentration of plasma, platelets, and WBCs. 
  • The ⅔ layer deeper solution is recovered from the upper layer, including the Buffy coat, for the next round of centrifuge. This layer will have 6-8 times more platelet concentration than normal blood. 
  • The re-centrifugation will take 10 min and for 2000 rpm. After re-centrifugation, the concentration will be 5-6 times more than normal blood. This sample is then used for PRP therapy. 

Ovarian Reserve and Fertility 

After the age of 35years, the average women have a low ovarian reserve, which gets even more terrific after reaching 40 and hitting menopause. Low ovarian reserve refers to the degrading functioning of ovaries. So, women with low-functioning ovaries will have deceased or decreased ovulation, which makes it harder and even impossible for them to get pregnant. That’s why the age between 20-30 is considered to be ideal for a woman to get pregnant. However, in modern times, not only older females but younger females are also suffering from premature ovarian insufficiency. 

You see, a woman has fixed numbers of eggs in both ovaries. After hitting puberty, every woman loses one egg per month during ovulation. This egg can either get fertilized by a sperm or reabsorb, resulting in menstruation. This means – as a woman grows older, she’ll have fewer eggs, both quality and quantity-wise. Adding to that, if she has some disorder like PCOD, which affects her ovaries, it’ll be difficult for her to produce eggs and conceive. 

Now, there are several fertility treatments like IVF and fertility drugs that can help a woman to conceive. But, sometimes, women have a very bad case of low ovarian reserve or POI, and their ovaries don’t even respond to medication. As for surrogacy, some people don’t pursue it due to religious and sentimental beliefs. 

In that case, PRP therapy at a competent clinic can help you to improve your ovarian stimulation even after menopause. The IVF clinic at Delhi – Rissa IVF is best known for increasing the chances of IVF success with PRP therapy for ovary rejuvenation and Assisted Hatching using Laser Laparoscopy. 

PRP for Ovarian Rejuvenation 

If IVF treatment fails to bring the results after multiple cycles because of POI or Low ovarian reserve, then PRP is suggested to the patient. Your doctor will demonstrate the PRP therapy, how it works, the procedure, and who is fit to get the treatment. 

Who can get PRP therapy for ovary rejuvenation:

  • menopausal or perimenopausal women under 50 years of age, 
  • infertile women
  • Women having low egg reserve and low Anti Mullerian Hormone levels (AMH), imbalance in FSH and LH levels, 
  • women with premature ovarian failure or insufficiency (POF),
  • Women with hormonal disorders
  • Failed fertility treatment; IVF, fertility drugs 

PRP injections are used to regenerate ovarian tissues. PRP has 3-5 times higher concentrations of granules (platelets, stem cells, etc.) having growth factors like Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (PDGFs), Transforming Growth Factor-Beta (TGF-β), Vessel Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Epidermal Growth factor (EGF), Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF), Insulin Growth Factor (IGF), Fibronectin, Interleukin (IL), and some others. 

When PRP is injected into the ovaries, the endogenous stem cells and tissues present in the ovaries might absorb these growth factors released by PRP and differentiate into eggs by cellular proliferation, mesenchymal, and angiogenesis. And after medicinal stimulation and – ovulation can be restored by the regeneration of eggs and endometrium – for conception. Stem-cell chemotaxis is the supposed mechanism for PRP therapy. 

Fertility or hormonal medicines are prescribed to motivate hormonal balance and rejuvenation. 

Procedure for PRP therapy 

The first step is to prepare PRP from the blood drawn from the patient, which is already mentioned above. The second step is to inject PRP into the ovaries. The whole procedure could take 2 to 3 hours, and you can feel little to no discomfort. The day before PRP therapy, avoid sexual intercourse, and you shouldn’t insert anything inside your vagina. The second step is similar to the Egg Retrieval step for IVF and is usually performed under local anesthetics during an outpatient appointment, and it follows as follows:

  • The PRP is injected or infused into the ovaries with a needle using transvaginal ultrasound or Laparoscopy for assistance. 

After a successful infusion, you’ll have to wait for about 1 hour at the clinic. You can leave if you don’t feel any side effects (fever, cramps). 

Your doctor will recommend you for monthly blood tests and ultrasounds to check AMH, FSH, LH, and Estradiol levels. If higher AMH levels and lower FSH, LH, and estradiol levels are measured, then it is a positive sign. Also, your menstruation might restore or regulate after the therapy, indicating rehabilitated ovulation. 

The period and cycles for this treatment can vary from one therapy per month for three months to more than six months.

If a woman starts to ovulate after PRP therapy, she can try for natural conception or go for a fertility treatment like IVF. The very advantage of this therapy is that you can use your own eggs to conceive. So, PRP is suggested for women who refuse donor eggs or surrogacy. 

What is the suitable timing for PRP?

Your gynecologist will perform your therapy after the end of your menstruation – if you are ovulating. And if you are not ovulating anymore, your doctor will suggest an appropriate date for PRP therapy. 

Risk of PRP

Because it is an autologous treatment, there is no risk of blood infections. As for other health conditions, the risk factor is very low. Before considering PRP therapy, your doctor will tell you all the risks and complications. 

PRP Therapy At Risaa IVF

Dr. Rita Bakshi is an experienced, result-oriented fertility expert specializing in IVF treatment, Laparoscopy, Laser-Assisted Hatching for embryo implantation, and PRP therapy for ovary rejuvenation. Risaa IVF marks its name as one of the Best IVF clinics in Delhi. We have been successfully providing fertility treatment for over two decades. Our expert gynecologists, nurses, laboratory technicians and scientists are the best in the field. Visit our clinic Risaa IVF in Delhi, for your next fertility treatment and get the best fertility services and……… a Positive Pregnancy Test! 

Many menopausal and infertility women have been helped with PRP therapy by restoration of the menstrual cycle.  

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