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Natural IVF Cycle Complete Guide, Ideally the higher chances of getting pregnant for a woman are generally in her late teens or late twenty. It has been estimated that fertility rate in most of the women start to decline from their mid-30s onwards and continue to decline until they reach the premenopausal stage ( mid 40s). However with the recent advancement and clinical trials in assisted reproductive technology, it is no longer an unthinkable affair to become pregnant between the age of 40 -45. Infertility treatments involve several options, out of which Natural Cycle IVF has proven to be one of the eminent one.
Natural cycle IVF has recently made a reemergence, gaining worldwide attention as an alternative to conventional IVF for both normal and poor responders. Natural cycle IVF or “Natural IVF’’ has made pregnancy easier and safer by that minimizing the dosage of fertility drugs and over stimulating hormones. Natural Cycle IVF relies solely on natural development of egg and works with the woman’s own natural cycle without the implementation of follicle-stimulating hormones that boost egg production and induce ovulation.
It has been estimated that 99% of women’s body naturally matures only one egg at a time (each month).If natural fertilization occurs; the egg transforms to an embryo and attaches to the uterine wall. The procedure aims at successful production of viable eggs at the end of each woman’s menstrual cycle that may result in higher rate of fertilization within her.
Natural IVF or Natural Cycle IVF is a technique that works in its own unique protocol amidst the woman’s natural cycle and utilizes fewer fertility drugs in contrast to the traditional IVF.
Conventional IVF uses a subsequent dosage of fertility drugs to “down-regulate” the menstrual cycle before restarting it, followed by the implementation of stimulating agents to induce follicles (immature egg cells).Moreover in Natural IVF method you will only need to visit clinic not more than three days whereas in Conventional IVF you have to make 9 – 12 visits in order to stimulate egg production and maturation of multiple egg follicles.
RISAA IVF, we feel privileged to become a part of your parenting journey, thriving to give you the best available fertility treatments