If you are wanting to start a family, you may be worried about your fertility. Medical conditions that interfere with conception could be out of your control. However, as our fertility experts for IVF treatment know, your habits and behavior’s may also affect your fertility.

We’re all well aware that our way of living influences many aspects of our day-to-day existence, but how often do you stop to consider how your habits may impact your ability to have children?

Starting a family isn’t a top priority for you at the moment, but are children something you’d like to have in the future? It’s essential to think about fertility in the long term. If you know how your current habits might affect your ability to get pregnant, you can make the right plans for a future pregnancy. Modifications or adjustments may be minimal. You and your unborn child will benefit if you try to live a healthy life.

Is There a Connection Between Your Daily Habits and Your Fertility?
Is There a Connection Between Your Daily Habits and Your Fertility?

How can you ensure that your fertility stays strong?

Positive adjustments in your life can boost your chances of getting pregnant, according to RISAA IVF, the best IVF center in Delhi NCR, and fertility experts. So do what you can to:

Maintain a balanced diet

Since a person’s lifestyle affects their fertility, those trying to get pregnant should eat a variety of foods that are high in nutrients that boost fertility. For example, fruits, vegetables, and other foods high in antioxidants can help protect your body from oxidative stress, which can be detrimental to your eggs and sperm. In addition, our fertility experts say it’s important to exercise moderation when eating fast food. Margarine and hydrogenated vegetable oils are two examples of trans fats, and fertility experts for IVF treatment recommend replacing them with unsaturated fats like those found in oily fish and nuts.

BMI: Body Mass Index

High or shallow body mass index (BMI) can adversely affect fertility in both men and women. Patients seeking IVF treatment under the National Health Service must have a body mass index (BMI) of no more than 30, whereas those seeking private treatment must have a BMI of no more than 35. Increases in body mass index (BMI) have been linked to hormonal imbalances, increased pregnancy risks, and increased drug dosage requirements during in vitro fertilization (IVF) in both men and women.

When possible, avoid working overnight

Our fertility expert for IVF treatment suggests avoiding Night shift work may disrupt hormone production, increasing some people’s infertility risk. If you work the midnight shift, make sure to sleep whenever possible. During sleep, the body can detoxify and regulate processes, including hormone production and release. Night shift work and other things that make it hard to sleep on a regular schedule have been linked to less production of the hormones that help people get pregnant.

Anxiety and emotional health

According to any best IVF center in Delhi NCR, stress can also have an impact on female fertility. According to the research, it took longer for women who worked more than 32 hours per week to conceive than those who worked between 16 and 32 hours per week. Also, about 30% of women who go to infertility clinics have anxiety or depression, which may be caused partly by the stress of getting a diagnosis and treatment for infertility.

STIs, or Sexually Transmitted Illnesses

A baby may be in your future, but before that happens, it’s vital to engage in safe sexual behavior. The most common reasons for female infertility include STDs like chlamydia and gonorrhoea. To protect yourself from these diseases, use condoms and get tested for sexually transmitted infections often.

Where are the boundaries?

Just say no to smoking and drugs

Everyone knows that a woman’s chances of getting pregnant go down when she smokes cigarettes or uses drugs for fun. When you smoke regularly, you deplete your egg supply early and limit ovarian function. Using drugs for fun has even been linked to stillbirth. Male fertility is also negatively impacted by smoking and drug use.

Alcohol use

Women who drink alcohol on a regular basis are more likely to have trouble getting pregnant than women who consume less often. In addition, excessive alcohol use has been linked to problems with ovulation. While attempting to conceive, it’s best to abstain from alcohol completely. For the sake of the developing baby, it’s best to abstain from all drugs and alcohol before and during pregnancy.

Too much or too little exercise

When combined with weight loss, exercise can help obese women preserve their fertility. However, women may have difficulty getting pregnant if they exercise too much. This is because losing a lot of fat from exercise could affect ovulation and menstruation. In addition, excessive exercise suppresses progesterone production.


Consult your fertility expert if you’re trying to conceive and worried about your lifestyle. They can help you increase your fertility and chances of pregnancy.

Contact RISAA IVF Fertility Center, one of the best IVF Center in Delhi NCR, if you have questions regarding lifestyle decisions that may affect fertility. We provide fertility evaluations and IVF treatment.