
Andrology is the study of male health and male reproductive function. The word comes from the Greek words “andro” meaning man, and “ology” meaning study. Andrology is a subfield of urology.

Urology is the medical specialty dealing with urinary tract diseases, as well as male reproductive organs.

Andrologists are also called andrologists or urologists in some countries.

What is andrology?

Male reproductive health is a complex and sensitive topic, which can be difficult to explore with a doctor. There are many factors that can affect the male reproductive health, and it is important for men to be aware of these factors.

Andrology covers a range of topics like male infertility, erectile dysfunction, prostate cancer, testicular cancer and other conditions that affect the male genitalia.

What Andrology Means for Your Fertility, Libido, Sexual Performance

Your sexual health is an important aspect of your life. It can affect your fertility and libido as well as how you feel about yourself. The field of andrology is dedicated to understanding the male reproductive system and how to maintain it.

Andrology has evolved over time to include all aspects of male sexual health, including fertility, libido, and sexual performance.

The Male Reproductive System consists of both internal and external organs. The internal organs are the testes, which produce testosterone and sperm cells, the epididymis, which stores sperm, and the vas deferens, which carries sperm to ejaculatory ducts in anticipation of fertilization. 

The external organs are made up of the penis (external genitalia) with its glands for producing semen during sexual intercourse, a pair of testicles (scrotum), a pair of seminal vesicles that produce seminal fluid, and a prostate. 

The main function of andrology is to help men maintain healthy reproductive organs as mentioned above. It also helps with issues like erectile dysfunction (ED) or low libido.

What are the Symptoms of Andrology? 

Men with andrology infertility have problems with the production of sperm. The most common symptom is a low sperm count and it can be caused by many different factors.

It is important to know the symptoms of andrology infertility in order to get treatment.

The symptoms of andrology infertility are:

  • Male reproductive system disorders
  • Male hormone deficiencies
  • Sperm abnormalities
  • Infertility 
  • Lower sexual aspiration/erectile dysfunction. 
  • Intense pain in testicles 
  • Low amount of sperm  
  • Semen that is not as thick as it should be / decrease in semen volume
  • Hormonal disbalance 
  • Pain or burning during urination
  • The inability to produce semen
  • Semen that has an unusual color, such as yellow, green, or brown
  • Painful ejaculation

What Causes Andrology? 

There are a number of factors that can cause male infertility. These factors are divided into two categories: endocrine and anatomical.

  • Endocrine causes of male infertility include conditions such as low testosterone levels, low sperm production, or high levels of luteinizing hormone.
  • Anatomical causes include abnormalities in the vas deferens, epididymis, or testicles.

The male reproductive system is a complex network of organs that produce, store, and transport sperm. When any part of this system is not functioning properly, it can lead to infertility.

There are many causes for andrology infertility. Some of these causes are:

  • Aging: As men age, their fertility decreases due to a decline in the number and quality of sperm.
  • Abnormalities in testicles: Abnormalities in the testicles can lead to infertility because they may not produce enough sperm or the sperm may be abnormal. 
  • Infections: Infections such as mumps or chlamydia can affect the male reproductive system and cause infertility.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions such as diabetes or varicocele can cause infertility.

Diagnosis in Andrology

The diagnosis of male infertility is a multidisciplinary process. 

The field is wide-ranging, with many different conditions to diagnose and treat. Diagnosis can be done through physical examination, blood tests, urine tests, semen analysis (the most common diagnostic test), or imaging. Treatment may include medications, surgery, or a combination of both.

The diagnosis of andrological patients can be challenging due to the lack of specific and sensitive diagnostic tests.

Medical practitioners need to take into account many aspects such as, age, family history, occupation, medication history, drug abuse habits and sexual habits before making a final diagnosis.

Treatment to andrology: What are the options available? 

Treatment to andrology is one of the most important aspects in managing male infertility. There are many options available to treat male infertility, but they vary in effectiveness, side effects and costs. 

The best option for a couple depends on the root cause of their infertility.

Male infertility is a common condition that affects about 15% of all couples who are trying to conceive. It is caused by abnormalities in the sperm or problems related to the man’s genitals, reproductive organs or hormones. Treatment options vary depending on what is causing the infertility and include surgery, medication and lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise.

The treatment to andrology is a broad topic that covers a wide range of different treatments. The main treatment options available are:

  1. a) Lifestyle changes,
  2. b) Hormone therapy,
  3. c) Medications,
  4. d) Surgery.

The first step in the treatment is to identify the underlying cause of the problem. This can be done with a number of tests, which may include:

  • A physical
  • examination: A doctor will examine your penis and testicles to check for any abnormalities. Your doctor may also take a blood sample for analysis.
  • A urine test: Urine tests can identify whether you have an infection or other medical conditions that could be causing your problems.
  • An ultrasound scan: An ultrasound scan can show if there are any problems with your reproductive organs, such as an undescended testicle or a varicocele (swollen veins).
  • A semen analysis: A semen analysis checks the quality and quantity of sperm in your semen. It will also check for any abnormal cells that could cause infertility.

How to prevent Andrology? 

  1. Abstinence: The only way to prevent andrology is to abstain from all sexual contact.
  2. Condoms: Condoms are one of the most effective ways to prevent andrological infections, but they do not protect against all STIs.
  3. PrEP: PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a daily pill that contains HIV medications that can help keep HIV infection from happening in the first place.

Is there any serious complication related to andrology? 

There are many serious complications related to andrology. Some of them are as follows:

  • The problem of erectile dysfunction is a common problem in males. It is the inability to get an erection or maintain it long enough for sexual intercourse. This is mainly due to various physical and psychological factors, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety and stress.
  • There are also some problems with the prostate gland that can lead to urinary tract infections (UTI) or inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis).
  • The main complication that is related to andrology is infertility. This may be due to a problem with the man’s sperm or reproductive system. Andrology can deal with problems of male reproductive system.

Consult with RISAA IVF for issue related to andrology

The society for reproductive medicine has found that in about 30% of the cases, men have some kind of complication related to andrology. 

This is usually because of genetic or environmental factors, missing or abnormal genes on the Y chromosome. This is an alarming figure because it means that a man’s fertility can be affected by factors beyond his control.

RISAA IVF is a medical center that specializes in fertility clinic. They are also one of the few centers that have a subspecialty in andrology. They also offer a range of services related to fertility, including diagnosis and treatment for infertility, egg donation and surrogacy. The clinic has an IVF lab where all the procedures are carried out by highly trained specialists.

To book your consultation with us, give us a call now.