In vitro fertilization (IVF), often known as assisted reproductive technology, is plagued by several misconceptions widely held throughout society but serves only to mislead individuals. As a result, those unable to have children naturally may seek alternative means of becoming pregnant.
Young couples in India are frequently put under pressure by their families to start a family within the first few years of being married. This is because India is a very traditional country, and having a “kid of your own” carries great significance. However, reproductive health is rarely a topic that is brought up in direct conversation within families. As a consequence of this, couples who are actively trying to conceive but are unable to do so are willing to try any method imaginable in order to complete their family.
As a result, it is essential to confer with one of the most qualified IVF specialists in Mumbai to obtain the appropriate direction and treatment. It is no wonder that there are a number of myths revolving around the procedure of in vitro fertilization (also known as IVF), which is a form of assisted reproductive technology. These myths are prevalent in society and are deceptive by our IVF specialists. These are the most common.
Multiple births are inevitable with IVF
Because the number of transferred embryos should be limited, there is only a 20% risk of having multiple pregnancies if in vitro fertilization (IVF) is performed according to the criteria and practices that are followed internationally. If the mother is carrying more than one baby at a time, she puts herself at greater risk of experiencing difficulties throughout pregnancy. However, if the woman’s age is advanced or there has been a pattern of unsuccessful pregnancies, it is recommended that more than one embryo be transferred. In these situations, fertility doctors typically opt for a blastocyst transfer.
IVF raises cancer risk
To date, no study has found any evidence to support the hypothesis that there is a link between cancer and IVF. Fertility doctors call this a common fallacy. It is possible for couples to undergo a decent number of cycles of fertility treatments without exposing either the man or the woman to a higher risk of developing cancer. Even when they are an adult, there is no danger of cancer to the developing kid inside the mother’s womb.
In vitro fertilization is a terrifying process
As our IVF specialists say, In the past, in vitro fertilization (IVF) has been known to cause a great deal of agony and anguish, particularly during the first few days of the process when the female partner is required to get daily injections of hormones. On the other hand, the method has become significantly less uncomfortable and more practical due to developments in medicine and the introduction of new recombinant medications. These are not administered intramuscularly. Therefore the process is much less excruciating.
IVF is not an option for overweight ladies
In many cases, women who are overweight are nonetheless able to conceive a child and give birth without medical intervention. A woman’s weight becomes a concern only if she has Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), which can reduce egg quality. We suggest that these people first try to lose weight before beginning medication. However, embryo cryopreservation is recommended if the woman’s age is advanced and we do not have time for a weight loss program. Pregnancy-related issues, including hypertension and diabetes, can be avoided by implanting a frozen embryo three to six months after the patient has reduced weight.
IVF babies have more deformities
According to IVF specialists, there is no link between the IVF process and the increased danger of having a child born with a problem. Instead, it paves the way for genetic testing of embryos before implantation, which can eliminate the possibility of chromosomal abnormalities or congenital malformations in high-risk pregnancies. If the female party is over the age of 35, the male party is over the age of 50, or if there is a history of genetic diseases in the family, these are instances to be taken seriously.
One IVF failure ends your chances
Even if a couple has an unsuccessful IVF cycle, they should not give up hope of becoming pregnant. It is crucial to understand why it happened and alter the treatment appropriately to ensure success in future cycles.
There have been numerous examples when patients had conceived after 4-5 IVF rounds when they were supplemented with the correct processes like laser-assisted hatching, injecting platelet-rich plasma into the uterine cavity, or even boosting the diet with antioxidants, etc.
IVF pregnancies are riskier
Fertility doctors say that pregnancy and a safe birth outcome are more likely if the mother is under 33. This progressively decreases after age 37, raising the risk of pregnancy difficulties for both the mother and the child. The IVF procedure does not exacerbate these difficulties, which are brought on by aging. Patients with infertility, however, should not procrastinate getting treatment. In vitro fertilization (IVF) success rate is also significantly higher when the patient is younger.