To what extent can one anticipate obtaining normal sperm following surgical sperm retrieval?

To what extent can one anticipate obtaining normal sperm following surgical sperm retrieval?

Surgical sperm retrieval is the primary treatment utilized if a man cannot generate sperm in ejaculation or semen. You have infertility if your reproductive organs aren’t healthy enough to carry a pregnancy to term. This implies that before beginning any assisted reproductive technology, your doctor will assess the male and female partners’ fertility and ability […]

Male Factor Infertility, Reson & Treatments

Male Factor Infertility, Reasons & Treatment

When a couple is unable to convince, male infertility is often neglected, but statistically, one-third of infertility cases are consequences of male factor infertility. What is Male Factor Infertility? Male Factor Infertility is the inability to conceive children naturally due to abnormalities in the male reproductive system. It accounts for low sperm count, low sperm […]

PESA/TESA Treatment for Male Factor Infertility at Risaa IVF

PESA/TESA Treatment for Male Factor Infertility at Risaa IVF

PESA and TESA are part of ART procedures for severe male factor infertility. Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) and testicular epididymal sperm aspiration (TESA) are performed when the quality or quantity of sperms is insufficient for fertilisation or if a male is suffering from retrograde ejaculation or anejaculation. It is also an ideal and effective […]

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